Saturday, June 4, 2011

Four Seasons (TV mini-series 2008)

My Review:
Mike found me this series in the bargain bin in a sale lately, and I have to say he did well.  Always nice to see something different for a change.  This isn't great but not bad either.  

My Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆

Gilmore Girls S7

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Gilmore Girls S6

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Gilmore Girls S5

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Gilmore Girls S4

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Gilmore Girls S3

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Gilmore Girls S2

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Gilmore Girls S1

My Review:
What can I say, Gilmore Girls is one of my favourite of all times TV series and for me to have to site down and watch 7 sessions in one go isn't hard at all :o).  These are going to be short because well they are all great, and each season just got better and better and the story just grew the way it should have.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Wild Child

My Review:
Very Funny Teen Flick.  Good to own for those afternoons in my sewing room, where I want to watch something funny while doing something else.  I first saw this movie not long after moving to the UK to live and it always reminds me of that day, which just adds to the movie for me.

My Overall Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Her Majesty Mrs. Brown

My Review:
I guess with the royal wedding and all I am on a bit of a royal roll.  I haven't watched this movie in a long time and after watching Young Victoria I thought I had better watch this also as it follows on from that story.  It is a really different part for Billy to play but just amazing the two of them are wonderful actors and just make this story.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

Book of Eli

My Review:
I'm not going to say anything about this movie other than you have to see it.  It is so different and has to be seen to really experience what it is about.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Going the Distance

My Review:
Drew Barrymore is amazing and funny in this.  By far the funniest chick flick in a while.  And is different for a change, not so lovey dovey as normal which is nice for a change, but I do like my soppy chick flicks so not sure I want more of it :o)

My Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆

The Social Network

My Review:
Although the story is rather recent it is still interesting, just amazing how quickly something like facebook becomes the norm now.  What did we do before this to stay in touch with friends.  I am sure there isn't that much fact to the story but it is very well done, and a very interesting watch.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

Letters to Juliet

My Review:
One of the best Chick Flicks I own.  It just makes me want to hope a plan to Italy and do a road trip, its a shame I need to work really.  The story is great and is just what you need to put a smile on your face on a cold wet Sunday afternoon.

My Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆

Nights in Rodanthe

My Review:
This movie is all summed up by saying Nicholas Sparks book.  If you like the Note Book, The Last Song, etc then you will love this.  I am a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks and just love the movies that have come from his books, the setting of this book is just amazing, a must see movie.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

Julie & Julia

My Review:
This movie just makes me want to cook.  I just wish I could cook as well as these guys do.  But if you are looking for some ideas on what to cook for the next party you are giving then just start the day with this movie and you should be good to go.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

The Kings Speech

My Review:
Amazing, Amazing, Amazing.  It is without a doubt the best movie that come out last year and a must own.  Being a Colin Firth fan I just love it, he is an amazing actor and deserves every award it won.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Leap Year

My Review:
Just great, set in Ireland and is very much the Chick Flick it is made out to be.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

Pearl Harbour

My Review:
The filming of this movie is amazing.  There is two places in the movie where you think it is going to finish only to start back up again and I found that tiring however I still love to watch it and do at least once a year.  Well worth the watch and make sure you have the sound turned up good and loud it is worth it.

My Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆

The Day After Tomorrow

My Review:
Pretty Crap, however I find it entertaining.  Very american, flag waving, save the world movie, but there are some nice parts to it that I can't mind putting up with the crap for the odd part that is good :o) 

My Overall Rating: ★★☆☆☆

The Young Victoria

My Review:
One of the best movies.  The story is well told and Rupert Friend and Emily Blunt are amazing.  I watched this in HD and it made all the difference, the costumes in this are out of this world.  

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

Stone of Destiny

My Review:
Amazing movie.  Not a very well known movie but the story is just great and based on a true story.  From Mike and I living in Scotland it was something we wanted to see, and made so much sense to us as we have seen the Stone of Destiny which now lives in Edinburgh Castle.  We have also been to Scone Palace where the original was meant to have come from.  But even if you don't know the background to some of this this is a great UK movie and well worth the look.

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

Gone In 60 Seconds

My Review:
This is a great guy flick.  It's showing its age to bad, but I have to say this type of movie is done a lot now so it doesn't give you the wow factor it once did.  But still worth a look for sure.


Link to DVD Info

My Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆

Sense & Sensibility (2008 BBC)

My Review:
The BC have done a really good go of this.  Not one of my favourite Jane Austen's but the BBC really do know how to do these justice.  It is only 174 mins long which I guess I was a little disappointed about, the BBC normally do longer mini series that.  On a cold winters day you can normally guarantee that a BBC mini series will fill the day, but not this this one.


Link to DVD Info

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

Miss Potter

My Review:
Just love this movie, and watching it in HD makes it so much better the locations it was shot are just beautiful and should be viewed in HD for sure.


Link to DVD Info

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆