Thursday, January 6, 2011

Falling Down

My Review:
So once again this is a Mike movie, I did do my best to watch it all.  But I have to say it has dated really badly.  I just couldn't relate to the character I just couldn't see him going from sitting in traffic to trashing a corner store and so on.  Maybe back in the day traffic like that would have made all of us lose it but today well we all get stuck in traffic like that every morning and I can't say that I have trashed a corner store yet.  If only it was still .85c for a can of coke that would be great.

I am thinking I need to put up a iPhone usage guide on each review to give some idea of how distracted I get while watch each movie, I have to say I spent a lot of time looking up actors that were in this movie that have gone on to do other things since....not good.


Link to DVD Info

My Overall Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

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