Saturday, January 1, 2011

Step-Up 3

My Review:
This one is a little out of order, had family round who wished to see it.  I like this movie, for a sequel it is pretty good.  They have done well keeping the theme going and it also stands on its own, more so I think than the second movie.  The first time I saw this it was in 3D and it was an amazing movie to see in 3D but I have to say the 2D version is just as good the story holds it own, it doesn't need the technology to make it a good movie.

I like watching dance movies make me think I could do that, pretty funny really because there is no way I could ever do anything like these guys.  But for a good 100 mins I get to live in a world were I think I can, and I get to have a bit of that joy that dancers get when they are doing what they love, and well for me that is good enough.  The interviews in this movie also help you understand what it is that make these amazing dancers do what they do all there lives giving 200% a day to do it.

Pros: Always makes me want to be able to dance like these guys, they make it look so easy that you wish you could just get up and do it yourself.

Cons: I like the first two stories and felt they held together and I'm not sure this 3rd one holds the same, the theme is there but to call it Step-up 3 hmmm not sure it is really, apart from the last 10 mins.


Link to DVD Info

My Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆

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