Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bride & Prejudice

My Review:
For me I am a master Jane Austen fan.  Anything she has written or any movie/TV series that has been adapted I have to own.  So this being a bollywood adaption of Pride and Prejudice I first had to have it no questions asked.  But I have to say first off my Father purchased this movie when it first came out, he lent it to me and said I would probably enjoy it.  Well it sat on the side table for a few days, I can remember thinking, they are going to ruin the story but I need to watch it.  So I finally put it in the player one night and watched it.  Once I finished watching it I watched it again, and then the next night.  I think what I enjoyed so much about this version is the story that Jane wrote is all there, but the colours that are used and the upbeat music just adds to it all.  This is one of those movies I watch regularly when I need to put myself in a happy place.


Link to DVD Info

My Overall Rating: ★★★★★

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