Monday, January 3, 2011


My Review:
I can remember when this movie came out all of our friends were talking about how finally you get to see the rest of the story etc.  At the time I had no idea what they were all going on about.  So I was told I had to watch firefly first then this.  So as a good girl I did as I was told, I can remember I started Firefly at 8am in the morning, I was home sick one Friday and Mike went off to the Seven's with our mates.  By the time he got home around 11pm I had watched all of Firefly and was half way through Serenity.  I was one of the lucky ones not to have to wait a few years to see the end of the story.  Amazing movie and completely stands on its own but if you are interested you have to watch the TV series first.


Link to DVD Info

My Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

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